Thursday, August 13, 2009

WHOA! Blogging Bad Girl!

Yep - that's me!

I often say to random people - "I should blogthis!" and it is usually met with enthusiasm for my so-called passion for blogging. Darren and I recently moved into a new house - more on that later, and while we were doing it - the famous "I should blog this" line came up. It wasn't met with enthusiasm this time. My wonderful brother-in-law, who has the ability to point out the obvious, said to me "oh the one you never update?"

I say "Yeah - I should really get on that"

He says "Or - maybe just forget about it?"

I didn't even have words! I am not forgetting about blogging! I love to share my life, my stories, my families stories, my photos and just about anything else - so I will not let it go! However - for whatever it means - I wll try hard - really really hard - to update my blog more often! Maybe if I did actually update - my words would hold substance. And if I actually did as I say - maybe I'd have some followers?? We'll my friends! Its easy for me to say ... So I can hear my mom in the back of my head ...

"Stop talking about it and just do it!"

And so I shall ...