Thursday, November 27, 2008

Blogging is Hard....

to remember to do!

I wanted to update this blog weekly - if not daily!
Oh well - now I will have a New Years Resolution!

In the meantime - here's a little tidbit about my newest venture....

As many of you know...I do love taking pictures - my over-filled harddrive on my computer is certainly an indication of that! I was lucky enough to get a really great camera in April of this year and my pictures have started to take a turn for the better! I try to practice weekly...with different subjects...and lately I have been improving quite a bit.
At the time that I was buying a camera - my new found friend in Stettler, Tricia, and I had a "boat" night at BP"s and put into motion our plan to become Stettler's newest photographers!! There, in BP's - surrounding by blaring music and more than one carafe... fresh. photography was born!

Well - 4 weddings later, a few baby and maternity photo sessions and some families - we are offically a business - with products, suppliers, a bank account, GST number, Business number and soon an accountant! We think our photos are different, edgy, contemporary, journalistic and different. I have taken on the motto: If you want a regular photo, with a regular backdrop and cheap prices - head over to sears - we can't and won't do that! So far so good......
We, however, know there is much to learn on our journey to we've decided to enlist in education....ahh yes - learning....

I enrolled early on in teh New York Institue of Photography.... and am only on Unit two...but working hard on finding some subjects to take photos of - the only problem is - things aren't very nice-looking in the winter (especially when there is no snow...) ... but I have made a pact that I will work on it every week....and I have an idea for my latest assignment...hopefully it will work...I will try tonight and keep you posted!

Tricia and I have started the Excellence in Photographic Communication course at the end of October - I think we only have three classes left - but it has been quite the experience - We have both had a light bulb go off inside our head...and suddenly - WE GET IT! I have noticed an improvement in my pictures since the "Manual Only" pledge and have been excited that I am finally understanding the technical side of its just a matter of putting it all together!

It is time for us to move forward - this may require a bit of risk on our part - but no pain - no gain.... and I know I am willing to work my butt off for this one.... so I am throwing caution to the wind...and come what may... (okay - bad cliches...but you get the point!)...

Just for interestes is one my latest photos for the "At Work" presentation I am working on at my "other" job (and it will be featured on their christmas cards this year!).....